Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My evaluation on class

I am going to miss FNED 346. This class was very good, and was always interesting to go to. The people in the class were very cool, and we all got along. Professor Bogad is a fun professor and made the class interesting. Many of the articles were interesting to read except a few lol like Delpit and a few others haha. Although some articles were boring they always had a certain point to show. In conclusion this class was fun,ill miss it and our discussions and stuff, and good luck to everyone and have a good summer! wooo!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Talking points #10 थे last one!

Privilege,Power, and Difference-Allan Johnson.
Johnson argues that we have to get past the words that keep us on the sidelines. We have to not be silent and speak out. The article shows us that racism still is around us and still exist. Johnson offers many routes to take to stop privilege and racism.

Quote #1
No individual leaf on he tree matters; whether it lives or dies has no effect on much of anything. But collectively, the leaves are essential to the whole tree because they photosynthesize the sugar that feeds it.Without leaves, the tree dies.

By working by ourselves to stop the injustices that happen we might never see the change, but if we combine our actions together change can happen and we will be able to stop the inequalities that exist. By putting our differences aside and working together to stop the inequalities anything is achievable. Also even if you are by yourself trying to make jumps of progress you shouldn't stop you should gather others so that the dreams can be possible.

By not looking at the institutions through which humans organize economic and social life,we also engage in the fantasy that solving the problem of privilege and oppression is only a matter of changing how individual people think.
To solve the problem we can't try to avoid it we have to look at it and analyze it to solve the problem. Today many people try to avoid the problem. When people try to stop racism people say that hasn't existed in years, but it still does. Although slavery hasn't existed in many years it still has an effect on today's society. So to fix the present we have to acknowledge the past so that we can solve the present and future.
Quote #3
We don't have to convince anyone of anything. AS Gandhi put it,the work begins with us as we ty to be the change we want to see happen in the world. If you think this has no effect, watch how people react to the slightest departures from established paths and how much effort they expend trying to ignore or explain away or challenge those who choose alternative paths.
By promoting the agenda for equality and working together even if we don't change peoples mind if they get annoyed we are scratching the surface because they know that it is right and they dont want to admit taht it is right. If we keep raising awareness on issues like racism sexism someone is bound to change their views, and for those who haven't eventually they will change their views.

Talking Points 9

Citizenship in School: Reconeptualizing Down Syndrome Kliewer
Kliewer argues that the teaching in schools for kids with down syndrome is very limited, and they are kept apart from the "normal kids" which stunts their learning and social skills. This kind of relates back to the carlson article in a way. People who are less abled and have handicaps are treated as invisible. We see this in schools and the article demonstrates this people who have disabilities are in their own classrooms and own area away from everyone else. Some people might think that they don't notice, but it the special ed. students do notice and it does make them feel left out. Also keeping them separated creates a sense of awkwardness for the "normal" kids because they don't know how to interact with the special education students. What needs to happenis that special education students need to be incorporated into the normal classes so that they can develop the basic skills to be a part of society.

Quote 1
"its not like they come here to be labeled,or to believe the label. We're all here-kids,teachers,parents,whoever-its about all of us working together, playing together,being together, and that's what learning is. Don't tell me any of these kids are being set up to fail."

This quote is good because this is how learning should be. Yes if someone has a disablity they might require a little more attention then others, but they shouldn't be labeled and put in a classroom of other kids that are exactly like them. They need to be with the general population of students so that they can grow too. By setting them up not to fail really, but to not grow as a student the teacher is failing them. This quote connects to the Jeannie oakes piece because you could say that in the "normal" classes teachers might have some tough times dealing with class they put energy into their to help the kids. In the special education classes they might not push them to do much just the simple things how to talk basic math etc. THe teachers should try to push the special ed. children to do bigger things if they were in the general population it would help them become more social and grow more.
Quote 2
"The underdevelopment of the high funtions is a secondary structure on top of the defect. underdevelopment springs from what we might call the isolation of an abnormal child from his colletive."
By keeping special ed. kids by themselves they'll never learn how to socially interact with other children that are in their grade. This will create a stigma because they will think that they are not good, and th enormal kids will think that they are weird because they arent in their classes. By keeping special ed kids grouped together you are hurting them. In the movie we watched on tuesday it showed one of the boys who had a disability and he got integrated into a regular classroom. AT first there was trouble,but the boy blossomed so having special ed kids in classes with other kids won't slow down the class itll help the students.
Quote 3
His move to mendocino shattered the image of john as a community burden. there he entered into rlationships in which his individuality was both recognized and valued. john was not forced to prove his competence to the mdendocino citizenry in the way schools had first demanded, then given up on. "
By being in a postivie community and not being put down it allowed john who was mentally retarded to succeed. Before he was labeled negatively and people had no faith in him they didnt think he would succeed. When john went to the school in mendocino he made great connections with his community in the school. THis shows that all students can succeed if they are supported and encouraged.

This article was very interesting,and it should make all of us think back on our days back in elementary,middle or high school. Students with disabilities are treated as outcast and that they can't function in society. When i was in high school at lunch for example they sat in a certain area of the cafeteria. Why couldn't they sit with everyobody else? because by being separated so long a stigma came in and the "normal kids" would never go over and try to make connections and the special ed kids couldnt and wouldnt either. By putting all students together it allows them to connect and help each other reach the same goal to learn and become educated.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Diversity Blog

On March 26th i attended the WHS Spring Concert. The students that were invovled were the Woonsocket HS chorus,band and jazz band. The performance went very well, and they did an excellent job. I always enjoy seeing the performances because i was involved in the band and chorus when i was in high school. I am using this as my diversity event because Woonsocket is a urban school and is made up of people from all different cultures. Many of you might know this, but Woonsocket is in debt and as a result as of next year all extra curricular activities would be cut. This means no football, no band, no debate club, no art etc.
The reason i am writing about this because i do feel like this is a very diverse subject because by doing this you'll have the rich get richer the poor get poorer effect. If urban schools starts cutting programs and extracurricular activities chances of them getting into college will be much slimmer. Academics are very important,but colleges look for people who are involved too. Another is SAT's are becoming less of a factor for colleges so being involved in programs will be more important. If you go to private schools or school's in the suburbs programs aren't getting cut so those students will be able to succeed and keep learning.
Another thing that will happen is that many of these activities and programs have helped kids become the people that they are. Many of the programs help them learn many characteristics like communication, teamwork,etc. By having a passion for something it helps these kids be successful. If these things get rid of there could be an increase of kids resorting to the streets or getting involved in drugs etc etc. For the kids who come from a poor background for them this activites or programs are the only thing going for them and something that is their's. If it is gone they might drop out of school because they feel that there is nothing for them.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Talking points # 8

Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work
-Jean Anyon

Tracking: Why Schools Need to Take another route.
-Jeannie oakes

Oakes and Anyon argues that by having advanced classes and by dividing children it doesn't allow all children to get a great education. The kids in the advanced classes will get that full expierience, and kids in the " less able" classes don't get a full educational expierience. Another argument that was in the articles is that the richer you are the better education there is and are able to expand your mind, and as you make your way down the financial ladder the education gets watered down, and kids minds don't expand as much.

"They also know that when teachers adn students trust one another class time and energy are freed up for teaching and learning. on the other without a positive classroom climate, students spend considerable energy interfering with the taecher's agenda, and the teachers spend more of their time and energy just trying to maintain control"

This quote is a prime example of the breakdown in classes and how in the classes where the students are deemed bad they tend to act out more so half the class is spent trying to get the class under control. These kids might act like this because when they get this label they figure what the hell since they want to label me as a troublemaker i should act the part. Instead of trying to figure out what is wrong with some of the students they are just labeled bad and learning doesn't take place. In the honors classes or advanced placement classes learning can take place and teachers can get to know the students on a personal level. Pretty much all of the kids in the honors or advanced placement have always been in a positive environment so they are engaged in learning and the teacher is able to help them expand their minds. While in the lower classes kids are labeled problem childs or not able to learn so the battle is these classes is controlling the class, and trying to teach them at a slow place. By having tracking in school it is creating two types of students in school the students who will succeed and keep learning, and those who will either drop out or graduate,but have little to show for it.

#2"In low-ability classes, for example, teachers seem to be less encouraging and more punitive, placing more emphasis on discipline and behavior and less on academic learning'
In the academic classes or low ability classes teachers just discipline the kids and everything is very mechanical. They have to do everything the same, and a routine is set for them. This sounds like a dog school training kids to act a certain away and not really helping them become better and learn. When i was in middle school i remember i was in clusters and it broke down into groups group 0 was the highest and 3 was the lowest. I was in group 0. I remember my math teacher always telling us we are the cream of the crop and how we represent the school and how good we are. It made us feel better and learning did take place, and i liked my teacher. What about the other kids in the lower groups did this positive reinforcement take place? I had friends in the lower groups did they get positive words or did they get barked at all day. By having schools like this it makes kids who are in the "low ability classes feel like they aren't good enough so that makes them resort to acting out and class and dismissing learning.

"In the affluent professional school,work is creative activity carried out independently. The students are continually asked to express and apply ideas and concepts. Work involves individual thought and expressiveness, expansion and illustration of ideas, and choice of appropriate method and material"

This is how education should be for everybody but this is at a highly professional school where it is rich and there are few minorities. What this shows is that students who attend lower class schools or urban schools learning isn't what is focused on it is about discipline and when learning does take place it is bare bones and it doesn't allow the students to work independently and grow as a learner. In the schools that are more advanced and where wealth is abundant the students are able to grow at a faster rate and learn and get taught new concepts. In the article by Anyon when she showed what teaching was like in the middle class schools or lower class schools it shows how the student doesn't get much hands on expierience and that everything is regurgitated to them. The teacher says everything and the students aren't allowed to build off the concepts and discuss. Most of the work is just note taking and parroting back what the teacher says. By having schools like this once again it allows schools that have more resources to have students who will grow, and expand there minds and in other schools learning will go at a slower rate. money isn't the issue to even at the urban schools where there are advanced classes it still created two types of students because all the teachers put all there energy into the honors and advanced kids, and all the other kids are left in the cold.

I thought this was very interesting and very true. I have seen this all through my education i never questioned it but it does bring up good points. Through my whole education i was in honors classes and in high school a few AP classes. I was always able to learn more and branch out. I wonder if i was in academic classes if i would be where i am today. who knows i might not have wanted to go to college. In the honors classes my teachers pushed me and wanted me to learn and grow. Both the articles were very good the second one was a little bit long and got repetitive.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tech exam

stupid computers. they lost connection so we weren't able to finish our exam so i have to call next week to finish the rest of it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Talking points on Anita Hill

The author is Peggy Orentein and the name of the text is Anita HIll is a Boy:Tales from a Gender-Fair Classroom

The argument that orenstein has is somewhat similar to Johnson/Delpit to say those forbidden words or things. Women have always been portrayed as weaker than men and men are always the dominant figure in every aspect of our society. In this text it is about showing the other side and about women's history and how women have done great things. The author wants to have more on women's right's but at the same show that history and society has great figures that are male and female and that one side shouldn't be focused on the other like it is in the other classes where male figures dominate.

Quote 1

"The boys definitely resent it," she says matter-of-factly. "They think Ms. Logan is sexist. But you know what i think? I think that it's the resentment of losing their place. In our other clases, the teachers just focus on men, but the boys don't complain that that's sexist. They say. It's different in those classes because we're focusing on the important people in history, who just happen to be men."
Through this class it allowed boys and girls to understand the history of woman, but as seen the boys tended to not enjoy the class as much but the girls did. This is unintentional but at a young age boys and girls are always taught that men are always superior. Like they said in the other classes how it's always male figures that are always shown this is true. Even in history classes they never discuss important events about women and when they are discussed they are lightly brushed over and never really get in depth.
Quote 2
"It's like how boys learn to see girls," says one of the girls. "i mean you turn on MTV Spring break and there's these stupid girls with huge breasts and the tiniest batin suits dancing around ....But if your a guy says luis, you see all those great bodies, and you think you want a girl like that. You think you should have a gil like that"
This quote is very intersting because it goes on beyond the classroom part and shows how our mindsets are very different. Girl's get offended by the stuff they see on this and don't want to be like that, but guy's think that this is what there supposed to see. Television has really brainwashed us so this kids think thats what they should see in a girl big boobs etc and girls think its apalling or they think thats how they are supposed to act for someone to like them. Some guys don't like the behavior either as it stated in the text. This shows just how we need to communicate with each other to stop this stereotypes and from happening so young impressionable kids don't fall into this mindset where guys think girls are pieces of meat and girls think they have to act like this.
Quote 3
"But i don't tell my freinds," he says. "if i told them i was interested in women's history, they'd call me a fag. Si i just take it and don't talk about it.
This quote is very good because it shows how in society some men put there own gender down if they want to become interested in learning about women's history. This happens in other things in society too if a male likes to cook,sew etc he is deemed gay, fag or wuss. We give these labels on what is manly and what is girly that it separates us from really being able to talk to one another. The boy luis is doing good because he is trying to expand his mind by learning about women, but at the same time he has to hide the fact that he wants to learn about women's studies because he'll be an outcast among his friends. This shows that sexism still exist and male dominance is still a must and if some men don't agree with it then they become wusses for wanting to learn more.

I thought the reading was very interesting. It shed light on things i never really thought of. I know about what women fought for and stuff, but at the same time there has been instances where i felt like Luis if i did this and someone found out people would call me names etc. What is wrong with embracing the history of women, or African americans or gays/lesbians? Nothing is wrong with it,but some people make it seem like it is so people hide that there learning. Like i said in the beginning i think this piece relates to johnson/delpit because it wants us to communicate with each other and have dialogue so that we can break down these stereotypes and notions that we have about each other.